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Instagram is the fastest growing social network of the moment:

An analysis explains why

Instagram is the fastest growing social network at the moment: this was demonstrated by an analysis by Pew Research carried out in January 2015 and confirmed by a subsequent study by Loco wise which highlighted how the mobile photo sharing platform is reaping a steadily growing consensus, especially from users aged between 18 and 29.

Loco Wise’s analysis was conducted on 2,500 Instagram pages in May 2015. All user activity was counted on these - how often account owners posted images, how many people left comments, which content was most liked, etc. - with the result of demonstrating that it is actually the social network with the highest degree of engagement at the moment.

The average growth of followers of Instagram pages in May was 1.48%, compared to that of Facebook at 0.2%. An objectively growing interest, therefore, attested by constant attention to everything that is created again within the platform. Probably also because Instagram has not yet reached the level of saturation of content and activity of subscribers that instead now marks Facebook. In other words, buy real Instagram likes UK is a social network in which users are not suffocated by an exorbitant and unmanageable mass of content, so the search for new pages and people to follow is still consistent and stimulating.

From the point of view of the amount of content posted

Instagram users on average post 2.41 images per day, with peaks of 6 posts per day by the most active profiles. Furthermore, the attention to the quality of the photos put online is very high, because users know that the beauty of an image is the only way they can be noticed and appreciated by other subscribers to the platform. However, very few videos are published, although the system offers numerous specific tools. Overall, still images make up 91.77% of all published content.

The average engagement, i.e. the activities carried out by users in relation to the content of other users (comments, appreciations, etc.), is 2.61%, against 0.55% for Facebook. In general, there are more interactions on photos (2.69%) than those involving videos.

Data that is not surprising

If we consider that access to the Internet from smartphones has now surpassed those from PCs and that Instagram is certainly a killer application in the mobile universe.

For companies, studying new forms of communication and marketing actions based on Instagram can mean making a difference in a communication plan. For Lederberg's company Instagram is a huge corporate shopping success - the Instagram company was acquired in April 2012 at a cost of one billion dollars. Today it is estimated at 35 billion dollars and it is expected that in terms of advertisements alone it will be able to generate a turnover of 2 billion by 2016. A value that, in the coming years, will continue to grow.


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